Relationship Management

Create the life you want to live to discover your greatest self!

Relationship Coaching for Couples

Good relationships are based on a foundation of basic truths. Without key ingredients, relationships become destructive in nature. Conflict is a natural aspect of any relationship; it is how we handle conflict that determines the strength of a connection with another person. The one and only important relationship in our life is how we relate to ourselves. We must first develop our own sense of self-worth before we can form a constructive and positive bond with another person.

We cannot force others to change; we can only work on our own self. As we make positive changes in our life, others will respond to us in more favorable ways. Our relationships will improve naturally. I can help you with new ways of looking at your past and current situations related to your relationship. I will work with you to discover new ways of relating to your relations.

Through life coaching, you will understand why you and others around you react the way they do and how you can bring positive elements in your relationship with others and with yourself. You will discover solutions to your relationship's challenges and you will lead a happier and more successful life.

Parent & Kids Relationship Management

Whether your child is struggling with anxiety, depression, difficulty at school, anger, or something else, children learn through life coaching to overcome their challenges. By this, that they can experience success at home, at school, and in all other areas of their lives.

If you have issues with your kids and don’t know how to solve them, I can help you step-by-step. I have two kids who I’ve helped guide through their own problems and experiences growing up. In addition, I was a part time volunteer art teacher at my kid’s school for 5 years. And I have worked one o one for special needs kids as a teacher. I had put valuable time of my life to understand in dealing with issues related to children. Book an appointment with a free 30 min complimentary session if you are having hard time with your kids and want to learn also how to manage relationship with them.

"Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions, So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful." - Mark Victor Hansen

Life Coaching For Single Women

If you’re a single woman who has gone through a divorce or separation, or have had a hard time getting a date or life partner, I would like to help you. These troubles can arise because of a low self-esteem or low confidence. Some signs of these are feeling hopelessness, insecure, the inability to truly express your feelings, and being too emotionally dependent on others. The newer generation of young women also suffer from problems like having a low self-esteem about their appearance. Some studies conclude that having a low self-esteem and low self-confidence will have a bad effect on their career and relationships. The results have been interpreted to suggest that the lack of confidence among young women will mean thousands fail to achieve their real potential.

Through life coaching sessions i will be guiding you to discover solutions to life's challenges. You will lead happier and more successful life. You will learn how to be self-disciplined and Self-aware. You will learn how to live your life by your values towards life.

Life Coaching for Single Men

Do you always end up in messy breakups and are still single? Do you not know how to get a right partner, unable to create an emotional connection between you and your girlfriend/date, cannot stop thinking about your ex-wife/girlfriends, or are feeling low? If you feel like spending your life on a lonely boat, then it’s time to call a life coach and find out how to fix your problems. Through my coaching sessions, you will learn how to be self-disciplined and self-aware. You will discover solutions to any relationship's challenges. You will lead happier and more successful life with anyone.

You will learn how to be more productive by creating good habits and thoughts and rejecting bad ones. You will be able to bring your mind, body and spirit together so you can be someone people count on.

"I will! I am! I can! I will actualize my dream. I will press ahead. I will settle down and see it through. I will solve the problems. I will pay the price. I will never walk away from my dream until I see my dream walk away: Alert! Alive! Achieved!" - Robert H Schuller